Meeting Minutes & Bylaws
- Gail Gillespie, Ph.D. – President
- John Fanning, Ph.D. – President-Elect 2020
- Richard Niolon, Ph.D. – Social Media Chair
- Matthew Holcomb, Ph.D. – President-Elect 2021
- Christiane Creveling-Benefield, Ph.D. – Secretary-Treasurer Elect
Meeting Details
- Gail Gillespie reviewed the bylaws for the incoming EC members. Bylaws state that the EC meets twice annually. Sign-in sheets for meetings to be kept for three years and by the secretary-treasurer.
- Richard Niolon will send out electronic voting for slate of candidates for 2021 next week and will give about a week for members to reply. The EC discussed various means by which to encourage activity among members and how to support or encourage members to participate on the board starting in September, and send out for a vote mid October.
- The EC discussed that it is a good idea to consider pulling people outside of psychology. Consider OT and speech, finance, psychiatry, functional medicine, lawyer, retirement, long-term care, OCDD, SSI, etc. Various professionals whose information would be of benefit to psychology and/or practice.
- Consider doing a survey monkey about what members want to hear about, as well as to solicit whether anyone knows of any outside speakers that we should consider. Consider having access to more renowned speakers, or consider sponsoring speakers who are in town to speak to CCAPS during the day somewhere, or announce other meetings, speakers, CE events to members. Consider what may appeal to most members, or consider offering some on a different night. Rich will update dates for 2020 for the 3rd Friday of every odd month. Take notes at all meetings and post on website.
- The EC agrees that having meetings in members’ homes has worked well and this will continue.
- Website gives credibility. We don’t have a logo. We need to begin posting the upcoming speaker in advance on the website. Considering a link that can be repost on our business Facebook page or other social media. Get the speaker’s bio, pic, and a summary of what they will be speaking about.
- The EC agrees that it’s okay to advertise what you are doing in your practice that could be of benefit to other professionals or potential clients. We can solicit for recent news, presentations, events, CEs for psychologists.
- The EC voted to send $100 of CCAPS funds to the ACLU for Gayle Baer following her husband’s passing, per the family’s request, in lieu of flowers.
- Date, hosting, and potential speakers/topics
January 17 John Fanning Joe Mather, M.D. March 20 Matthew Holcombe Sleep studies, insomnia. Christiane can discuss sleep interventions. Or discussion of financial planning for children with disabilities. May 15 Elaine Salzer Retirement and financial planning July 17 Christiane Creveling-Benefield Private practice issues, special needs September 18 Richard Niolon ??? November 20 Carolyn Weyand Holiday party
Recorded by Gail Gillespie, Ph.D.
Edited by Richard Niolon, Ph.D.
- Gail Gillespie, Ph.D. – President
- Elaine Salzer, Ph.D. – Past President
- John Fanning, Ph.d. – President-Elect
- Richard Niolon, Ph.D. – Social Media Chair
Absent: Charles Burchell, Ph.D. – Treasurer
At this meeting,
- CCAPS bylaws were reviewed to insure understanding of roles, responsibilities, and general operation of the organization.
- 2019 meeting dates will be every odd month, the third Friday, 6:30PM to 9:00 PM. 2019 meeting dates are 1/18, 3/15, 5/17, 7/19, 9/20, and 11/15. November 15th is always the holiday networking and business meeting. All other meetings will have a guest speaker. Networking begins at 6:30, dinner is at 7, and the presentation will begin around 7:30 and last for about an hour, with a time for Q and A.
- Current CCAPS Budget provided earlier by Dr. Burchell indicated that CCAPS has an estimated $500, most of which is use toward maintaining the CCAPS website. No other disbursement of funds is currently authorized.
- Potential locations for upcoming meetings were discussed, and all present were in agreement that utilizing CCAPS members’ homes and providing a potluck is working well. The current arrangement avoids the difficulty of finding restaurants that can host groups, and the expense of a dinner bill. January’s meeting will be held at the home of Dr. John Fanning, the July meeting will be held at Elaine Salzer’s home, and the November meeting will be at Dr. Carolyn Weyand’s home. Meetings in which CCAPS still needs a host are March, May, and September.
- There was discussion of potential guest speakers (e.g., others clinicians or academicians, LPA speaker’s bureau). EC members discussed forming a committee for this purpose.
- Potential topics discussed were as follows:
- Issues and findings in the field of Geriatrics, neuropsychology, concussion injuries
- Early career information
- Professional wills and practice issues (in an open mic format)
- For the January meeting, Dr. Niolon will present on ADHD and information that is often omitted in discussions about ADHD.
- The secretary/treasurer is the holder of the CCAPS sign-in sheets, which must be maintained for at least three years. Dr. Gillespie currently has the sign-in sheets and will email them to Dr. Burchell. This position maintains a membership roster; however, the listserv automatically serves this purpose. All members have access to the CCAPS google group listserv and can continue to network in this manner.
- Social Media Chair – the website was reviewed and will be updated to reflect current EC members, outdated information will be updated or removed, and upcoming meeting information posted. Suggestions for website organization were provided to Dr. Niolon. The EC also discussed posting of current information, local psychology news, and soliciting members to submit information to Dr. Niolon for posting. Solicitation for such information can be made to the listserv for this purpose.
- The CCAPS membership application process was discussed. Currently there is no formal application – only name and professional credentials are required for consideration. The EC recommended that potential applicants for Full or Associate status can attach their CV, and student applicants can identify the Director of their graduate school program or sponsoring professor to document their status. While there will be no formal review process, the information will be accessible in the event that any questions arise. Dr. Niolon will work on adjusting this process on the website.
- CCAPS currently has 147 members on the listserv. Ways to increase membership were discussed, including continuing word-of-mouth marketing and referral of others to the CCAPS website whenever the opportunity arises, especially with Early Career psychologists. It was also discussed that the EC could extend invitations by email to newly-licensed psychologists and local psychology graduate students to join CCAPS.
Recorded by Gail Gillespie, Ph.D.
Edited by Charles Burchell, Ph.D.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Dr. Elaine Salzer, CCAPS president. A discussion occurred regarding inviting non-members guests to CCAPS meetings. The discussion involved whether non-members could attend meetings other than the CCAPS annual holiday meeting, which is open to guests.
- Dr. Carolyn Weyand indicated that CCAPS was founded as an organization for New Orleans area psychologists and questioned whether opening meetings to guests would change the dynamic of the organization.
- Dr. Joe Tramontana and Dr. Charles Burchell noted that a similar psychological group – the Baton Rouge Area Society of Psychologists – often has non-member guests attend.
- Dr. Gail Gillespie read the CCAPS Mission Statement concerning the group’s purpose.
- Dr. Weyand asked members not to place the guest issue in the bylaws but leave this issue as part of organization’s policy and procedures.
- This request was approved by expression of general consensus.
- This issue will be voted on before the next CCAPS meeting on September 21st, and those not in attendance at that meeting will be able to vote electronically.
Bylaws amendments were made by the CCAPS executive council, sent out to members for review, edited, updated, and sent out two weeks prior to this meeting. Dr. Tramontana moved to vote on the proposed amendments and this was seconded by Dr. Weyand. The bylaws amendments were unanimously approved and become effective immediately.
A discussion on Private Practice Streamlining and Challenges followed the business section, at which time various topics were discussed (e.g., HIPAA Hitech Act, computer encryption, record keeping, etc.).
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Submitted by Charles Burchell, Ph.D., Secretary-Treasurer, CCAPS
- March 24th at Dr. Salzer’s home – Drs. Gillespie and VanGeffen will discuss the new and most recently updated LSBEP Continuing Education rules.
- May 19th at Andrea’s Italian Restaurant in Metairie – Dr. Weyand will discuss the ethics of technology, with the assistance of some on the LPA ethics committee.
- July 21st at Dr. Leavesley’s home – Dr. Bobby Kizer, along with Ramon Zelaya, LPC will discuss how to get your practice up-to-date with all aspects of technology, including information related to privacy and security.
- September 22nd at Orleans Bistro in Metairie – Topic yet to be decided
- November 20th is our annual holiday party at a location to be announced.
Also discussed were
- various roles for each office-holder
- potential candidates for future elections
- the balance of CCAPS donated dues (currently at $515)
- and finding a speaker for the September meeting from the LPA Speaker’s Bureau.
You can always check CCAPS website for any updates. Please pass this information on to anyone who could potentially be interested in joining CCAPS.
Crescent City Area Psychological Society Association Bylaws
Amended and Approved on July 20, 2018
The name of the association shall be the Crescent City Area Psychological Society – herein referred to as CCAPS.
The primary mission of CCAPS is to encourage and foster collegial relations among psychologists in the New Orleans region and greater southeastern Louisiana. CCAPS will support and promote the profession of psychology through social and networking activities; professional presentations; and continuing education.
ARTICLE III: Membership
CCAPS shall have three classes of members: Full Members, Associate Members, and Student Associates.
Full Members: Full members must hold an earned doctoral degree in psychology conferred by a regionally accredited college, university, or professional school of psychology, or program of equivalent standing outside of the United States. Retired doctoral-level psychologists are also eligible for full membership. Full members have full voting privileges and may serve as officers and committee chairs.
Associate Members: Any individual who has completed psychology graduate training (all-but-dissertation defense), or pursuing licensure, or any masters-level psychologist engaging in the activities of professional psychology to the limit of their credentials is eligible for membership. Associate members will have a voice in CCAPS business and activities and will qualify to serve on committees as a member or chair. Associate members are eligible to vote but are not eligible to hold office.
Student Associates: Any individual pursuing education or training in psychology (i.e. undergraduate students majoring in psychology; graduate students working toward advanced degrees in psychology; and psychology interns) and interested in the mission of this organization is eligible for membership as a student associate. Student associates will have a voice in CCAPS business and activities and will qualify to serve on committees. Student Associates are not eligible to vote, hold office, or serve as a committee chair.
It is expected that all members of CCAPS (regardless of their class) will behave in an ethical manner and in accordance to their respective profession. Any member 1) whose license has been revoked, 2) whose license application has been rejected, or 3) whose membership in a professional association has been terminated due to ethical misconduct is no longer eligible for new or continued membership in CCAPS. Any member found to be in violation of Louisiana law regarding the professional practice of psychology, and any student associate who has been dismissed from professional training due to ethical misconduct may be removed from CCAPS membership
Benefits of Membership: Members will be eligible for one hour of professional development credit – at no cost – for each meeting attended, in accordance with guidelines and procedures of the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. CCAPS meetings also provide time for professional networking with colleagues. Members have access to the CCAPS website and the email listserv – the latter which provides a resource for professional inquiry and collaboration with colleagues.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Nominations for positions for office will be submitted electronically in the fall. The officers of CCAPS shall be President, President-Elect, Past President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The officers will constitute the Executive Council. All officers must be full members in good standing. Term of office shall begin on January 1 and will run for one calendar year. Officers can be re-elected for additional terms. The Executive Council shall have the authority to fill any vacancy in any office – other than President – for the remainder of the vacant term. In the event that any President is unable to complete their term of office, the President-Elect shall assume presidency for the remainder of the term, and there shall be an election for the position of President-Elect. Candidacy for office is subject to review and approval by the executive council.
President: The President shall preside over all CCAPS meetings, prepare the meeting agenda, and execute any and all contracts or other documents authorized by the Executive Council. The President shall appoint the chair of all ad hoc committees and the Social Media Chair, upon consultation with the Executive Council. The President will be an ex officio member of all committees. In the event of a voting tie, the President will have the final vote.
President-Elect: The President-Elect will succeed to the office of the President upon the completion of the President’s term, or earlier, should the office become vacant. The President-elect shall assist the President, and shall act as chair of the Arrangements and Program Committee and shall appoint members to the Arrangements and Program Committee.
Past President: Upon the end of a President’s term, the President will take the office of Past President. The Past President will act as Chair of the Elections Committee and shall appoint members to the Elections Committee. The Past President will be responsible for nominations for President-elect and Secretary/Treasurer, and will be responsible for conducting the elections.
Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer will be responsible for record-keeping related to membership roster and for taking any minutes of meetings when necessary or required. The Secretary/Treasurer will collect and maintain voluntary contributions, will maintain financial records, and will be responsible for all disbursements. The Secretary/Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining attendance records/sign-in sheets for a minimum of three years as proof of attendance for continuing professional development.
Social Media Chair. The Social Media Chair will be responsible for updating and maintaining the CCAPS website and email list. This is an appointed position with no voting rights.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
There shall be three standing committees: 1. Membership; 2 Elections; 3. Arrangements and Programs. Other ad hoc committees may be formed as deemed necessary by the President. The President shall appoint chairs of the ad hoc committee. Chairs are welcome to attend any meeting of the Executive Council.
Membership Committee: This committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members and maintaining a list of all members and their membership classification. Along with the Secretary/Treasurer, this committee will monitor the collection of contributions.
Elections Committee: The chair of the Elections Committee shall be the Past President.
The Elections Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for President Elect and Secretary/Treasurer from nominations submitted by the membership. The format for presenting information about the candidates to the membership will be developed by the committee. The committee will coordinate elections and be responsible for tallying votes.
Arrangements and Programs Committee: This committee shall plan for, and coordinate, all educational and social programs for CCAPS. The committee shall consider conducting professional development programs in accordance with the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (LSBEP) guidelines for professional development credits.
ARTICLE VII: Nominations and Elections
Officers may be nominated by any voting member of CCAPS. Self-nominations are accepted. No name shall appear on the ballot for more than once office, and no person can hold more than one office simultaneously. Elections shall be held electronically, prior to the November meeting, with results to be announced at the November meeting. A majority of votes cast will be necessary to elect an officer. In the case of a tie, the Executive Council will hold a secret ballot to determine the winner.
There shall be six meetings per year. At least – but not limited to – one meeting shall include a general business meeting of the members. The voting members present at a general business meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Council as suits the best interest of CCAPS.
The Executive Council shall be responsible for scheduling meetings and the Social Media Chair shall be responsible for notifying the members of meetings in a timely manner. The President shall be responsible for preparing the agenda, with input from the Executive Committee. The Arrangements and Programs Committee shall be responsible for arranging the location and prepare and/or organize any programs presented at the meetings.
The Executive Council shall meet at the discretion of the President at least – but not limited to – twice per year, to discuss issues relevant to the operation of CCAPS. Vote will be the simple majority of those in attendance. The President will decide all tie votes. The Executive Council shall recommend matters for vote by the full membership of CCAPS.
There are no annual dues that are required for membership; however, voluntary contributions will be requested at the annual November meeting in order to maintain general business and operations of CCAPS (e.g., annual website dues).
ARTICLE X: Affiliation
CCAPS is a free-standing organization. This organization will not be subject to governance by any national, state, or other local psychological association.
ARTICLE XI: Not-For-Profit Status
CCAPS is formed exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. No part of the net earnings of this organization shall be distributed except as CCAPS shall be authorized and empowered to do so by its bylaws.
ARTICLE XIII: Amendment of Bylaws
CCAPS bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than 66% of the voting members present at any meeting. Members shall be provided a minimum of two weeks to review and provide input on any bylaws changes being proposed. When members are unable to be present at a meeting, electronic voting is permitted. Once approved by membership, bylaws changes will go into effect immediately.
Crescent City Area Psychological Society Association Bylaws
Amended and Approved on September 21, 2018
On September 21, 2018 CCAPS members voted whether a member can bring a non-member guest to a CCAPS meeting. Members were able to vote online prior to the meeting. Dr. Elaine Salzer, CCAPS president, called for the vote, at which time four voted in favor of having guests and four opposed. Remaining members in attendance abstained from voting. Dr. Richard Niolon, CCAPS social media chair, indicated that two members voted online in support of bringing guests. The final vote was six in favor and four opposed; therefore, CCAPS members are now able to bring a nonmember guest to CCAPS meetings.